Thursday 19 April 2012

Present Perfect

Present Perfect activities

First, read the grammar review.
Then, do the activities.
Go to:

Earth Problems (webquest)

Do you want to learn more about the environment? Go to the following link and do the activities:

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Degrees of comparison
Do the activities you will find in the following link:

Sunday 8 April 2012

Treasure Hunt: Christmas traditions around the world

Go to
1.What do men in Bangladesh plant outside their homes at Christmas time?
2. How many dishes do Bulgarians eat for Christmas dinner?
3. What is carol singing called in Welsh?
4. People in Ethiopia eat Doro wat at Christmas. What is it?
5. Who wears white robes and a golden crown at Christmas in Germany?
6. What do people wear to mass on Christmas Eve in Malta?
7. Norwegians eat sand kagers at Christmas time. What are they?
8. Who reads a story on Christmas Eve in Syria?
9. What does the Ukranian Cristmas carol Boh predvichny mean?

Friday 6 April 2012

Crime vocabulary

Can / could
First, read the grammar review.
Then, do the activities.

Are you a sporty person? Test your knowledge about football, 4 famous sportmen and the Fifa World Cup.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

In the following link you will find revision activities related to the past simple and past continuous.